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Monday, August 17, 2009
'N' Level Preliminary Examination 2009

This is a gentle reminder that the 'N' level students will be sitting for their Science(Chemistry) paper tomorrow.

All the best to 4N6 and 4N7!

Miss Cindy Ho

happyy-stopp 5:45 PM
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Answer Key for WRSS Preliminary Exam 2007

Dear students,

The answer for WRSS Prelim 2007 is posted as below. Please marked them against your own answers and do not copy bindly.

Thank you.

happyy-stopp 5:43 PM
Monday, August 03, 2009
Important Reminder!

Students, please be reminded that you have Chemistry Class Test on the following dates.

3E1: 4th August
3E4: 5th August
3N6: 6th August

The topics involved are covalent and ionic bonding, acids and its word and chemical equation writing.

Study hard and Good luck to all!

Miss Cindy Ho

happyy-stopp 5:44 PM
Secondary 3: Acid reaction worksheet answers

Students, please get back to me if you do not understand the mistakes that you have made in this paper.

1) potassium hydroxide reacting with nitric acid

word equation
potassium hydroxide + nitric acid -> potassium nitrate + water

Chemical equation
KOH + HNO3 -> KNO3 + H2O

2)magnesium carbonate reacting with sulfuric acid

word equation
magnesium carbonate + sulfuric acid -> magnesium sulfate + water + carbon dioxide

Chemical equation
MgCO3 + H2SO4 -> MgSO4 + H2O + CO2

3)sodium carbonate reacting with hydrochloric acid

word equation
sodium carbonate + hydrochloric acid -> sodium chloride + water + carbon dioxide

Chemical equation
Na2CO3 + 2HCl -> 2NaCl + H2O + CO2

4) lithium hydroxide reacting with sulfuric acid

word equation
lithium hydroxide + sulfuric acid -> lithium sulfate + water

Chemical equation
2LiOH + H2SO4 -> Li2SO4 + 2H2O

5)calcium reacting with carbonic acid

word equation
calcium + carbonic acid -> calcium carbonate + hydrogen

Chemical equation
Ca + H2CO3 -> CaCO3 + H2

happyy-stopp 9:26 AM
Friday, May 08, 2009
If you have any questions...

You can either email the questions to misscindyhowrss@gmail.com or add me on msn misscindyho@hotmail.com

Please identify yourself if you are adding me on the MSN.

Alternatively, you can post your questions on the comments section (and not the tagboard as message might be overlook) and i will reply it asap.

Students are welcome to interact with each other on the blogsite with Chemistry issues or just for chatting.

However, please take note of the language used. This is an area for you and your schoolmates to relax or discuss about work. Vugarities and inappropriate comments are not allow here.

Thank you for following the rules.

I wish all you the very best in the Mid-Year Examination!

happyy-stopp 9:47 AM
Friday, January 09, 2009
AEM in December

This post is so overdue and i probably would have forgotten about it. Have I not look through my saved draft, this will probably be forgotten forever.

Here it is. The photo for AEM in December 2008.

happyy-stopp 11:59 PM
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Answer Keys

Sembawang Secondary School 2007

Riverside Secondary School 2007

Evergreen Secondary School 2007

Sembawang Secondary School 2006

happyy-stopp 11:07 PM
Sunday, August 17, 2008
What is wrong with you, Singaporean?

The match is over and we walked away with a silver medal.

Not bad at all for a small country if you asked me. We stood and fought against the host nation. We may not be the champion but we are second, IN THE WORLD. How bad can that be?

What I do not understand is the mentality of some Singaporeans. I was watching the match with some fellow Singaporeans and their reactions totally turned me off.

When we are leading in the match, instead of feeling excited and cheering the girls on, they were saying things like “We’ll only lead for now, later sure lose the round one”.

When we were losing the match, instead of feeling anxious, they were saying “Died! Died! Sure lose liao. Only few more points to go. No need to play liao lar”.

I do know that deep in our heart, we are all secretly thinking that we do not stand a chance against the host nation. But should we give more encouragement verbally? I wonder why they watch the match at all. Did they watch it to give their moral support to Team Singapore or did they watch to see them lose? Or is it simply a good chance for them to sneer at the team, to make sarcastic remarks?

Really! What is wrong with some of us?

This is the first time that we are standing on the world stage after 48 years for a medal, in a Chinese territory no less. We are not in some foreign ‘Ang Moh’ country fighting for the medal.

I do not care about what others say. We have obtained our silver medal. It may not be good enough for some but it is definitely good enough for me.

I’m proud of you, Singapore!

happyy-stopp 10:13 PM
Monday, July 28, 2008
Really! I wonder why...

people even bother to submit a blank piece of work. What were you hoping for the teacher to mark? Are you testing to see if the teacher can make an art piece out of the blank assignment?

What is the purpose of homework? What is meant by homework?

I have seen many, many, many times until i have lost count of students coping their friends' work or the standard answers from the answer booklet before the homework submit and i wonder, why bother?

The meaning of homework is for you to do at home. Not in school, but at home. The purpose of homework is meant for ALL of you to go back home to revise what have been taught and to act as a platform for ALL of you to see if you had really understood the facts. If the work is not done by you, there is no meaning in submitting it.

The meaning of homework for the teachers is for us to gauge the students' level of understanding so when we are marking your copied work, who are we supposed to gauge? Your standard or your friend's standard or the book publisher's standard?

To give credit to those who copied, at least they made the effort.

There is another kind of students who simply cannot be bother to even copy the work for submission. They just hand in BLANK piece of work, often accompanied with little drawings of hearts or stars or some idol's names at the side. Honestly! You can draw and write funny things but you cannot even pen one word for the assignment?

If you cannot even make the effort to write one word, why should the teacher even make effort to mark it? I personally feel that it is a waste of red ink to write the word "INCOMPLETE" for blank assignment submitted. Let's not kid ourselves. If they cannot be bother to write one word, why would they be bother to read what has been written?

If you cannot be bother to make effort for your own future, who else would be bother?

I never remember my teachers having to nag at us to study or literally spoon-feeding us with plentiful of notes or worksheets for practise. Yet when presented with notes and worksheets, there are people who cannot even bother to move their finger to for it.

Is there really such a big difference between my generation and your generation or people had simply gotten more lazy to work? This is a question worth pondering over.

If you are graduating and still cannot be bother to work. Then so be it. Even god can only help those who helps themselves. What can mere mortals like us do for you.

happyy-stopp 11:39 PM
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Finally, a new post!

Finally, i managed to post a new post after a long, long time. The lack in posting is due to me being too lazy as well as the fact that i have nothing interesting to wirte about recently.

There have been a lot of events and when i'm less tight with my time, i will backdate and post the pictures.

3E1 surprised me totally for today CE lesson. While i know that there are some outgoing individual in the class, i have not expected the quieter ones to be so enthusiastic as well.

All 3 groups impressed me with their creativity in terms of their scripts and acting skills. It was a lot of fun and there were a lot of laughters but i hope at the end of the day, everyone had brought home something that is useful to him or he.

P/S: I'm always amused when students tagged that they have found my blog. I have never make this blog a secret in the first place. That is not to mention the fact that i have given this blog address to all my students. You just have to listen harder to catch certain information =)

happyy-stopp 3:52 PM

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:) :( :D :p :(( :)) :x